Renault Twingo

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The Brief

Renault wanted to create a piece of light-hearted, fun, shareable content that would resonate with the 18-34 female demographic, categorised as “stylish sociables”. We needed to create buzz and excitement around the car, to drive consideration and ultimately purchase, of their all new Renault Twingo.

The Concept

We wanted to showcase the all -new Renault Twingo as a playful car that answers all of the modern woman’s dilemmas and spotlight it as the go -anywhere, go -everywhere city car of choice.

We also discovered that the stylish sociables found the dealership experience intimidating so we wanted to position the Twingo dealer experience as fun, fashionable and easy while still showcasing the key USPs of the all -new Renault Twingo.

With this in mind, we went about exploring a number of shareable, creative executions and to ensure an attention -grabbing first five seconds, we threw in a flamingo for good measure. It was from here that the Twingo musical was born.

With a cast of 17, including Nicole and Papa, three dogs, two rugby players and a flamingo, the scene was set for the first musical ever in the history of the car sector. And of course, our favourite pink star needed a backstory so we created a spoof film about Ringo the Flamingo’s path to fame.

Continuing on from the musical theme, we decided to have a bit of fun with our product videos too, composing individual songs to highlight different aspects of the all -new Renault Twingo in a more engaging way.

We positioned the main film as our hero content, as it entertained and inspired users through emotional storytelling. Behind the scenes footage was used as hub content for users who wanted to be further entertained, while product videos made up the hygiene content as a destination for engaging content where more specific practical questions could be answered.

Utilizing Google’s 3 -H model, we released the videos as part of a three -phase strategy, tease, amplify, and sustain, with targeted hero hub and hygiene content to ignite shareability and longevity of the campaign assets.

The final content was viewed over 3 million times, and there was a positive lift in ad recall of 43% over both male and female audiences.

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