Now TV - Die Hard on Ice

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The Brief

How do you make the classic all-action film Die Hard even more Christmassy? By combining the best action sequences with some balletic ice skating moves to create Die Hard on Ice!

The Concept

When Fever PR and Now TV came to us and asked us if we could make a film with the title “Die Hard on Ice”, there was only one answer we could give, Yippee Kay Yay! After watching the movie a few times more than necessary, we looked at every scene to see how it could be transferred to ice. Using a stunt man and two professional ice skaters, we choreographed four classic scenes creating a new kind of performance that we liked to call High Octane Balletic Action , or HOBA for short.

Shot at Streatham ice rink over one very cold day, we turned our cast into replicas of their counterparts from the film, from their clothing (with added sparkle) to their wigs, and of course rubber machine guns. Sets were created taking inspiration from the film, and an Alexa Mini on a huge Technocrane was used to ensure we could capture everything in the most dynamic way possible.

In post production, we added to the existing set design, by adding backgrounds, ceilings, and of course gun fire and explosions. A classic American trailer style voiceover was added, creating a version of Die Hard that was now undoubtedly a Christmas movie.

The final CTA asked viewers if they would watch a full Die Hard on Ice show, and tens of thousands of people voted on Twitter and facebook. The result…of course they would! The film was picked up by Metro and The Express, amongst many others and was shared and re-tweeted thousands of times over the Christmas period.

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