Product Video Production Company

Product Launch Videos

Product video production is a simple yet highly effective way for a company to showcase a new product launch or shed more light on an existing one.

Prior to your product launch, developing a series of teaser videos is the perfect way to build anticipation among potential customers. With anticipation levels high, the final product video must make a real impact to showcase the product at its best. At Wonderpunch, we have a long history of highly successful product video production launches to our name, working with clients in London, across the UK and internationally. Regardless of the product or location, we can deliver the videos your company needs to bring it to market in a big way.

Live Action Studio Shoots

A live-action film shoot of the actual product can be the best way to showcase its unique features in a tactile, dynamic, and accurate manner.

While CGI animation is often an option, there’s nothing quite like a live-action shoot to present the product in a real-world environment. If a simple look and feel product video production is required, live-action can be the most cost-effective and timely way to produce an effective video when the flexibility of CGI is deemed unnecessary. Our company has vast experience in both areas so we can provide a high quality and creative product video to meet your needs.

CGI Animation Videos

From 2D animation to CGI modelling, using animation to recreate your product offers unparalleled freedom to showcase the design and features exactly as you envision, even if the product has not been built yet.

Adding infographic overlays to videos to help demonstrate how the product works, alongside its unique selling points, combined with close-ups of the details that make your product video stand out, our animation team will ensure your product looks its best from every possible angle.

At Wonderpunch, we have a vast range of experience in delivering hundreds of product videos for our clients. From watches and laptops to vacuums and robots, our company possess the skills and technical expertise to bring these products to life and inspire your audience.

Are you ready to get started?

Get in touch to see how we can help with your next project